Sakshi Vidur joins ThoughtStorm as a Sr. Director – Cybersecurity & Data Privacy

CXO Junction is delighted to congratulate Sakshi Vidur on her recent appointment in ThoughtStorm as a Sr. Director – Cybersecurity & Data Privacy, marking a significant leadership movement in the cybersecurity landscape.

About Sakshi Vidur:

With over two decades of experience in cybersecurity across financial services, retail, and healthcare, Sakshi Vidur is a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. Her remarkable journey in driving positive change has made her a beacon of inspiration. As a frequent speaker at industry-led events, Sakshi’s influence extends far beyond her impressive career.

About ThoughtStorm

ThoughtStorm, a global consulting firm, is known for its holistic approach in providing customized solutions to organizations. Sakshi Vidur’s new role is poised to bring innovation, inclusivity, and knowledge sharing to the cybersecurity landscape, aligning perfectly with her vision for a more diverse and collaborative industry.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Sakshi Vidur and look forward to her impactful leadership in Canada’s tech industry. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories at CXO Junction, where we celebrate visionary leaders who are making a difference in the world of cyber security.

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